
Rickmansworth School is a self-governing Academy Trust, meaning the role of the Governing body is to help shape the overall direction of the School, monitor progress and standards, review and approve the budget, appoint and support the Headteacher and senior staff, review policies and procedures and ensure the School fulfils its statutory duties.

Our Governors are representatives of the local community, parents and School staff.   They bring a range of interests, knowledge and skills to the School and they all work in a voluntary capacity. Meetings of the Governing Body are held twice each term.

Among our key priorities are: improving the quality of students’ learning; narrowing the gap between the achievement of the most disadvantaged students and other students; raising attainment at KS4; taking action to secure the quality of education provided by the School and maintaining our exceptional pastoral care and high educational achievements.

Mr Tony Walker - Chair of Governors


Governing body structure and responsibilities

Governing Body Committees and Summary Terms of Reference

Committees Terms of reference

Audit and Resources

Chair: Neeshat Hussein

Audit and Resources Committee: The committee agrees programmes of audit work with the External Auditor and Responsible Officer and makes recommendations to the Full Governing Body.  The Committee also assists in preparation of the Budget monitoring financial performance and any capital works.


Chair: vacant

Curriculum Committee: reviews developments at the School with regard to the curriculum intent, implementation and impact. It monitors the work of the School with regard to examination results and other key performances measures including the progress of SEND, PP , Able & Ambitious students and monitoring progress of the Equality Action Plan.

Health and Safety

Chair: Tim Harrison

Health and Safety Committee: This committee produces and reviews the Health and Safety Policy and monitors all activities with regard to safe operation and best practice, promotes the use of risk assessments and assesses the adequacy of resources dedicated to health and safety.


Chair: Tony Walker

HR Committee: The committee meets on an ad hoc basis to review specific HR matters and policies arising.

Remuneration and Performance

Chair: Tony Walker

Remuneration and Performance Committee: reviews the Headteacher’s terms of conditions of employment and salary with reference to performance management outcomes. Considers proposals in respect of other members of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) from the Headteacher, endorses recommendations by the Headteacher for other members of staff, reviews the performance management objectives of the Headteacher and determines expenses, allowances and other benefits of members of the SLT.


Annual Reports and Accounts