Innovation and Design

Departmental approach to the curriculum

Innovation and Design at Rickmansworth School aims to inspire and motivate students through a demanding, stimulating, and innovative curriculum. It is a department of enthusiastic teachers with expertise in each of its GCSE subject areas, supported by a technician. Lessons are taught in purpose built design rooms with suitable state-of-the-art and well-equipped, specialist classrooms and workshops.



Projects provide interest, and challenge and are relevant to modern life. Using creativity and imagination, students design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within various contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values.

Students acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draw on disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering and computing. Students learn to take risks and become resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens. Through evaluation, they will analyse the work of past and present professionals to develop and broaden daily life and their understanding of the wider world. High-quality innovation design education makes an essential contribution to the resilience, creativity, culture, wealth, and well-being of the nation.

Key Stage 3 lessons build skills, prepare students for GCSE and equip them for later life through an appreciation of design. Students have the opportunity to complete practical tasks in each module and are encouraged to take these items home.



Year 7

As the basis for the iterative design process, students in Y7 will look at the four areas of researching, designing, making and evaluating. By doing this they will gain an understanding of how products begin life and the considerations that designers go through in order to produce new and innovative products.

Project context - Cleaning up our world

Research and Design - The students will work from the context to look creatively at how they could design a product which helps to solve the problem of cleaning up our world. Students will analyse existing products, look at what briefs and specifications are and how they are used as well as researching timbers and a variety of mechanisms.

Students will sketching to produce a range of ideas and will be introduced to CAD in order to develop and present these ideas.

Making and Evaluating - Students are introduced to the workshop where they will learn how to safely and effectively use a range of tools and equipment in order to produce a mechanical litter picker.  Students will evaluate their product against the specification that was introduced at the beginning of the project and suggest ways in which their product could be further improved, they will develop their idea by looking at different designers and how they could use their work as inspiration for their new design.

Year 8

In Year 8 students will build upon the work completed in Year 7 to look at how electronics and programmable components can be incorporated into products. They will further their material knowledge to look at polymers and how they are used in our everyday lives.

Project context - Electronics

Making and Evaluating - Students will go straight into this project looking at the skills needed in order to produce electronic products, they will look at the health and safety issues involved and solder together a circuit as part of a night light project where they will also look at working with polymers and the laser cutting process.

Research and Design - Students will be introduced to the isometric drawing technique and have a chance to practise this, the technique will then be used to design an improved version of the product that they have manufactured to do this the students will research how nature is used to influence designs (biomimicry)

Year 9

Project context - Structures

Students in Year 9 will will further their knowledge and skills which were gained in Years 7 and 8 the students will look at the two point perspective drawing technique to further their ability to present their ideas in more sophisticated ways. Students will look at metals and the processes that are used to manufacture with them.The students will be required to work collaboratively with others in a group to overcome a design and build challenge. There will be further opportunities for the use of CAD.

Design and build challenge - The students will work within a group to use a limited amount and type of materials to build a bridge which can hold the most weight. They students will have an opportunity to research and design their bridge before then producing their prototype and testing and evaluating it.

Research and Design - Students will further their understanding of how designers work to use their work as inspiration for their own product. 

Making and Evaluating - Students will use the Mie Van der Rohe MR Chaise as the inspiration for an acrylic phone holder, they will work in the workshop to manipulate the materials into shape but will also have an opportunity to think about and try to implement developments in the design.

Year 10 and 11

GCSE Students who opt for AQA GCSE Design and Technology follow a program of study throughout Year 10 which builds on prior learning and more, to prepare them for controlled assessment and the 2-hour exam at the end of Year 11. Helping to reinforce this is a range of small mini-projects that change regularly to keep our students enthused. These include projects that support the theory but also allow for an opportunity to get in the workshop and explore manufacturing techniques, tools, and processes alongside some design development to build an understanding of the iterative design process. As they come to the end of year 10 they start their major project which consists of a controlled, internally assessed portfolio that shows the development of a product fitting to a theme released by the exam board.  Students must show that they can explore and carry out suitable research, design their products, model them and justify changes and iterations before manufacturing them independently and safely.  They must show evidence of testing and an ability to critically evaluate their final prototype outcome.   

Subject Content 

1. Core technical principles

2. Specialist technical principles

3. Designing and making principles


Core technical principles

In order to make effective design choices students will need a breadth of core technical knowledge and understanding that consists of:

  • new and emerging technologies
  • energy generation and storage
  • developments in new materials
  • systems approach to designing
  • mechanical devices
  • materials and their working properties.

All of this section must be taught and all will be assessed.


Specialist technical principles

In addition to the core technical principles, all students should develop an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the following specialist technical principles:

  • selection of materials or components

  • forces and stresses

  • ecological and social footprint

  • sources and origins

  • using and working with materials

  • stock forms, types and sizes

  • scales of production

  • specialist techniques and processes

  • surface treatments and finishes.

Each specialist technical principle should be delivered through at least one material category or system. Not all of the principles outlined above relate to every material category or system, but all must be taught.

The categories through which the principles can be delivered are:

  • papers and boards

  • timber based materials

  • metal based materials

  • polymers


Designing and making principles

Students should know and understand that all design and technology activities take place within a wide range of contexts.

They should also understand how the prototypes they develop must satisfy wants or needs and be fit for their intended use. For example, the home, school, work or leisure.

They will need to demonstrate and apply knowledge and understanding of designing and making principles in relation to the following areas:

  • investigation, primary and secondary data

  • environmental, social and economic challenge

  • the work of others

  • design strategies

  • communication of design ideas

  • prototype development

  • selection of materials and components

  • tolerances

  • material management

  • specialist tools and equipment

  • specialist techniques and processes


How it's assessed

Written examination: 2 hours.

100 marks.

50% of GCSE.

Section A – Core technical principles (20 marks)

A mixture of multiple choice and short answer questions assessing a breadth of technical knowledge and understanding.

Section B – Specialist technical principles (30 marks)

Several short answer questions (2–5 marks) and one extended response to assess a more in depth knowledge of technical principles.

Section C – Designing and making principles (50 marks)

A mixture of short answer and extended response questions.


Non-exam assessment (NEA)

What's assessed

Practical application of:

  • Core technical principles

  • Specialist technical principles

  • Designing and making principles

How it's assessed

  • Non-exam assessment (NEA): 30–35 hours approx

  • 100 marks

  • 50% of GCSE


  • Substantial design and make task

  • Assessment criteria:

    • Identifying and investigating design possibilities

    • Producing a design brief and specification

    • Generating design ideas

    • Developing design ideas

    • Realising design ideas

    • Analysing & evaluating

  • In the spirit of the iterative design process, the above should be awarded holistically where they take place and not in a linear manner

  • Contextual challenges to be released annually by AQA on 1 June in the year prior to the submission of the NEA

  • Students will produce a prototype and a portfolio of evidence

  • Work will be marked by teachers and moderated by AQA


Long Term Curriculum Overviews

'The Big Picture' Curriculum Map

'The Big Picture' Curriculum Map

This document will provide a visual overview of the department's curriculum from Key Stages 3 to 4. This is in a student-friendly format to support them in their understanding the of the department's curriculum. 

Big Picture Curriculum Map - Innovation and Design


Department Assessment Matrix

This document will provide an overview for assessment for Key Stages 3 and 4.

Assessment Matrix - Innovation & Design

Key Stage 3 Judgement Descriptors

These documents give you an overview of the criteria for Emerging, Developing, Secure and Mastery judgements at KS3 for this subject.

KS3 Judgement Descriptors - Innovation & Design - Year 7

KS3 Judgement Descriptors - Innovation & Design - Year 8

KS3 Judgement Descriptors - Innovation & Design - Year 9

Home Learning

Home learning at Key Stage 3 contributes and feeds into the scheme for learning. Feedback on home learning is given digitally as all students will be working on a digital workbook for their rotation in Innovation and Design.

Home learning is set once every half term at KS3. The frequency of home learning will increase at Key Stage 4 and 5 and represent work for students’ examined assessments.

How can you help your child succeed in Innovation and Design?

Students might like to visit some of these places to further their understanding. Most of these are free to attend.

The Heritage

Land Rover

Helpful websites and further information

Useful websites

KS4 Specification


Design and Technology



Education Quizzes