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16-19 Bursary Fund
Sixth Form 16-19 Bursary Fund
If you are aged between 16 and 19 years and think you might struggle with the costs for full-time education in the Sixth Form you may be eligible to receive a bursary. The government has replaced the Educational Maintenance Allowance (EMA) with limited funds to support students in need. In so far as we can, we wish to ensure that no student is prevented from following a course of study solely because they cannot afford to do so.
Application Process
Written applications for financial support are invited from students or their parents in confidence to Mrs Stannard. The School may require evidence of financial need to satisfy our auditors, and financial support will be dependent on students meeting agreed standards of attendance, punctuality and progress with their studies. Those who may be eligible for support are asked to complete a preliminary assessment form which is available from the Sixth Form office. Evidence of Working Tax Credit could act as proof of eligibility to the fund.
Allocation of Funds
Rickmansworth School is responsible for awarding bursaries to its students. With the exception of the £1,200 bursaries for students most in need, the amount paid to other students is at the School’s discretion.
The payments are to be spread over the three terms with an initial payment at the start of the year followed by three payments at the end of each term. The amount paid will depend on attendance, and so the end of term payment may be reduced commensurate with any absence by the recipient. Band B and Band C payments may change depending on the number of applicants and the amount of money available to the School.
Breakdown of payments:
Vulnerable groups of up to £1,200 a year (Category A)
- Discretionary bursaries which institutions award using policies they set, in line with government funding rules (Category B and C)
Eligibility Criteria
Criteria 1 - Evidence of eligibility for defined vulnerable groups (Category A)
Institutions must obtain proof that students meet the criteria for the bursary for vulnerable groups in full. In other words, that they are in receipt of the specified benefits in their own name or that they fully meet the definitions for in care/care leavers. Institutions should ask for evidence from each student and retain copies for audit purposes. For example:
for students who are in care or a care leaver, written confirmation of their current or previous looked-after status from the relevant local authority - this is the local authority that looks after them or provides their leaving care services. The evidence could be a letter or an email but must be clearly from the local authority
for students in receipt of Income Support or Universal Credit (UC), a copy of their Income Support or UC award notice. This must clearly state that the claim is in the student’s name/confirm they are entitled to the benefits in their own right. The evidence must not state any conditions that prevent them from participating in further education or training. For students in receipt of UC, institutions must also see a tenancy agreement in the student’s name, a child benefit receipt, children’s birth certificates, utility bills and so on
for students receiving UC/ESA and Disability Living Allowance and Personal Independence Payments, a copy of their UC claim from DWP. Evidence of receipt of Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payment must also be provided
If you think you are eligible for this bursary, please make an appointment to see Mrs Stannard.
Criteria 2 - Evidence of need for a discretionary bursary
Category B
Those students who are most likely to need financial support will qualify for free school meals, if this is not currently the case, please look into this before applying for a Category B bursary you can do this at www.hertsdirect.org/freeschoolmeals Parents or guardians in this category would be in receipt of one or more of the following:
Income Support
Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
Child Tax Credit (as long as you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and you don't get more than £16,190 a year)
Working Tax Credit run-on (paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit)
Universal Credit (with annual earned income of no more than £7,400 after tax and not including any benefits you get).
Parents must register for free school meals to be eligible for a Category B Bursary,
Payments will be subject to review by the Sixth Form team and the Director of Finance. If you think you are eligible for this bursary, please complete the application forms plus APPENDIX 1.
Category C
Students with parents/guardians earning below £25,000 and not claiming Free School Meals.
In keeping with current practice for financial support for school activities, Rickmansworth School may provide a 16-19 bursary if your gross annual household income is below £25,000.
Proof of entitlement could include a P60.
Those in Category C will be considered for funding based on the school’s allocation and are subject to available funding after those in Category A and B have been awarded.
Payments will be subject to review by the Sixth Form team and Director of Finance. If you think you are eligible for this bursary, please complete the application forms plus APPENDIX 2
All students applying for Category B or C funding need to complete an application form for both the learner and the parent/carer accompanied by the appropriate appendix and handed in to Mrs Stannard by the 13 September 2024. All applications will be discussed and reviewed by the Sixth Form team and the Director of Finance & Business Operations. Students who are deemed eligible should be aware that to continue to receive a bursary/funding:
• There must be no unauthorised absences during the school day and students must maintain an attendance level above 95%.
• Students must maintain acceptable levels of behaviour and effort i.e. not be raised as a concern by teaching staff or the sixth form team.
As funds are limited, students will be granted payments according to their Priority and then the date of the application on a first-come-first served basis.
Students who meet any of the above criteria will be asked to consider their subjects and the requirements each subject may have for the year. The ESFA encourages institutions to pay bursaries in-kind rather than cash as far as possible (ie. to purchase equipment on behalf of the student). Where we make in-kind payments, we will explain to the student the value of the payments and how these have been deducted from their total bursary award.
An application for Bursary must be handed in by 13 September 2024 and include:
1. The Learner application form
2. The Parent/carer application form
3. The appropriate APPENDIX.
4. Proof of income /evidence of entitlement must be included with the application.